LMX Questionaire
I took the LMX-67 both as follower and leader. As follower, I scored high (35) as I have an excellent relationship with my supervisor and he is a great leader. As a leader I scored high as well (33) as I trust my team and they trust me.
I seek, value, create and thrive in environments that have high quality relationships amongst the team members. We have respect, trust and obligation to look after the teams success, irrespective of formal role or authority.
Great scores, Paresh. Something for me to aspire to! Once again, trust shows up as a critical piece of the puzzle. I also identified trust as the heaviest weight in my scores. At least for the models of leadership that we are studying, trust seems to be the bedrock! Thanks for sharing.
Paresh, wow, what a high even score! I am so impressed with your thoughts and comments in and outside of the classroom.